Photos for OS X makes it easy to add people to shared photo streams whenever you like to do, Whether you’ve created some new shared Photo Streams or want to add someone to an existing one you already manage, adding them with the Photos app on your Mac is pretty straight forward. They’ll receive an invitation to iCloud photo sharing they can join on the iOS device like iPhone, iPad or Mac.
If you’re interested to invite the people to share photo stream then you have to be the owner of that stream, if you’re not the owner then it’s not possible to invite the people. Let us discuss how to add people to share photo streams in Photos for OS X.
How to add people to share photo streams in photos for OS X
- Initially open the Photos app on your Mac running OS X Yosemite or later versions.
- Click on the shared button located at the top of menu.
- Now click on the back button to get back into the main stream if not by default activity section is the default view.
- Launch the shared stream that you’d like to add some one.
- Click on the members button in the top right of the menu.
- Click inside the To Field and type the name of the person you’d like to add. If they’re in your address book, they should automatically come up and if they aren’t, you can enter their email instead of their name.
- To save the settings simply hit enter and sent the invite.