To the pick the right color out of seven colors on the Digital color picker is a little bit difficult, after a while the colors that come preset in the palette get a little old. so its better that you have ability to select your own colors. Any how you can use only one color at any given time for a sketch or a tap and it is possible to change and customize the color that you use outside of the six stock colors. In this article let us discuss regarding how to customize color picker for digital Touch on Apple Watch.
How to customize the color picker for Digital Touch on Apple Watch :
- Initially press the side button of the Apple Watch.
- Now tap a friend and followed by tap the digital touch button.
- Navigate the color picker button in the upper right hand corner.
- Now tap and hold one of the color other than white.
- Drag the circle on the color wheel until you find the color you want, you can also you the digital crown of the Apple Watch to select you color more carefully and precise.
- Once you’re finish finally tap on done.
This way you can select the new color easily and quickly. The changes you have done will continue as you customize the color.