AutoCorrect some times it will do favor and some times user will get irritate while typing. It will do favor means it can help you to fix some of those typos you would probably miss otherwise and it will irritate you when it automatically corrects the right spelled word in the first place, which may change complete meaning of the sentence. It irritates you because you have to manually reject the auto-correction and that’s if you catch of course.
Actually there are two ways to dismiss the autocorrect suggestion, one is by using pointer to reject the auto correction and also there is keyboard shortcut which is much quicker to use especially when you’re currently typing.
How to reject auto correction suggestions on Mac keyboard :
Generally most of the users you to click on X mark to reject the suggestion, when you typing the it will irritate you and never ever it appears you have to close it by click on X mark.
Instead of doing these stuff there is a simple keyboard shortcut which will reject the auto correction suggestion on your screen. By pressing the ESC key easily the suggestion will be display. Once the dialogue window is disappear you can easily concentrate and focused on your tying work.