Not regularly you come across the situation to restart the menu bar on Mac, probably you have come across the beach ball appears when hovering over the menu bar. A lot of time, this can be resolved by killing the single app that’s causing problems. In other situations, you may need to completely kill and restart the menu bar to do the job.
Generally the menu bar is located on the right hand side of the screen which is controlled by System User Interface Server process on OS X. Therefore, killing SystemUIServer will result in the menu bar restarting. But there is now other way to restart menu bar from menu bar itself. There are some other methods to kill systemUIServer.
- Launch activity monitor from /Applications/utilities.
- In the memory tab search for the SystemUIServer.
- Highlight the SystemUIServer process, click the ‘x’ button which is at top left-hand corner, and click Force Quit.
- Then menu bar should then quick and restart.
The another way to kill and restart menu bar using terminal, follow the steps given below :
- launch terminal.
- Type killall -KILL SystemUIServer and press Return on the keyboard.
Even through it is used rarely, knowing this is a good for the back up purpose. It also allows you to get back to work without an overly long interruption. For reference purpose you can visit this video