In the heart of Scottsville, Kentucky, a tradition steeped in community spirit and generosity unfolds each year. The Old Fashion Days, a cherished event, brings together residents and visitors alike in a vibrant celebration that serves a noble cause: supporting the Center for Courageous Kids (CCK).
A Community United for a Cause
The Old Fashion Days is more than just a local festivity; it’s a lifeline for families touched by life-threatening illnesses. Through auctions and sales, the event channels the town’s collective efforts into providing children with an unforgettable summer camp experience. The joy and laughter of the children echo the community’s commitment to turning adversity into hope.
The weekend-long event transforms the Scottsville Save-A-Lot into a hub of philanthropy. Each purchase, each bid, goes beyond mere transaction—it’s an investment in happiness and healing. The auction, a highlight of the event, sees an array of items go under the hammer, each sale bringing smiles to young faces.
The Joy of Giving
The spirit of giving is palpable as the community rallies to contribute to the cause. Local businesses and individuals donate items, while volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the event’s success. The result is a testament to the power of unity and the impact of collective goodwill.
The Old Fashion Days also serves as a platform for local talent, with performances and activities that showcase the cultural richness of Scottsville. It’s a celebration of heritage, a nod to the past, and a beacon of hope for the future.
A Legacy of Love
Now in its 15th year, the Old Fashion Days has become synonymous with Scottsville’s identity. It’s a legacy of love, a narrative of a town that stands together, and a reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can have a profound impact.
The success of the event is measured not in dollars raised but in the number of lives touched. The CCK, through the support of the Old Fashion Days, continues to offer a sanctuary where children can be themselves, away from the shadow of illness.