How to disable mail contact suggestions on iOS and Mac

Suggested contacts are derived from mail you receive that you have yet to confirm, as opposed to those stored in Contacts which appear as relevant people in Spotlight. Though a temporary item in Contacts, a suggested contact won’t get automatically stashed in Contacts unless you manually confirm it. In this article let us discuss about how to disable mail contact suggestions on iOS and Mac.

How to disable mail contact suggestions on iOS :


Turning this off will delete any unconfirmed contact suggestions and prevent suggestions from appearing in Mail auto complete, on the incoming call screen and in the Contacts app.

How to disable mail contact suggestions on OS X :

You will be warned that disabling the feature will delete any unconfirmed contact suggestions.” Click the blue button labelled Turn Off, or press Enter to confirm. These are the steps to be followed to disable mail contact suggestions on OS X and iOS.

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