Having a property to manage is actually more of a job that people don’t realize. Even if you’re not the property owner, you reflect everything there is about your boss to the people that are renting your building, it’s important that you are always available, or that they’re able to get ahold of you in some way, even if it’s just to leave a message.
The biggest downside is that as you get a regular number of callers needing your service every day, mailboxes can get full. Not only that, but if people wanted to leave messages all day, then they’d call a different number instead of yours in order to get through to you. In this guide we’ll tell you about whether or not you can benefit greatly from a property management answering service.
People Don’t Want Machines
Have you ever tried getting through to someone, only to go through extensive automation service menus? While those telephone bots are useful, they do show one thing – that you aren’t a valued customer enough to actually speak to without having to go through a humongous and long process just to speak to a representative.
At the same time, people don’t have all the time in the world, and they want to speak with a person instead. Having an answering service can greatly help you avoid missing calls, but still give the tenants trying to reach you the satisfaction that they were able to just get ahold of someone, even if it’s to relay the message to you.
Avoid Solicitations
Once you get a job as a property manager, you basically end up being responsible for handling calls by telemarketers and more, because you’re representing your property owner. This means that all of the solicitors will find you and call you. In order to have the right services given to you, you need to assure that you can greatly increase your ability to do your job, and you don’t have time to sit and filter these calls out all day. Not only that, but solicitors don’t care if they are taking up your tenant’s time – they’re just doing their job too. Hiring an answering service to take these calls can free up your phone lines.
Do You Need to be Able to Take Calls 24/7?
If the answer to the above question is yes, you definitely should consult and invest in hiring an answering service. Even if a tenant calls at 1:00AM, you’re not going to just be able to go out to a hardware store and get the supplies you may need to fix the issue, so it would be able to wait until the next day. But right in conjunction with solution number one (about wanting to speak with people), you don’t have to be the one to actually answer your phone calls in the middle of the night when you’re resting for the next days’ worth of hard work.
For all of your property management solutions, you can rely on Answering365 to meet your needs, and even possibly excel them. Your tenants won’t even know that they’re not speaking to someone from your property management office with the utmost professionalism and satisfaction to give you and your tenants the best service possible, so you can too!