Apple Watch updates are also similar to the iPhone software updates, because Apple watch is paired and sync with iPhone for internet access and easy device management. Actually Apple Watch updates aren’t done directly where they are updated through iPhone. In this article let us discuss how to update Apple Watch using Apple Watch app on iPhone.
How to update Apple Watch using Apple Watch app on iPhone :
- Initially connect iPhone to WiFi and launch Apple Watch application on your iPhone.
- Now tap on My watch tab.
- Tap on General.
- Tap on Software update and click on download and Install.
- Enter your iPhone Passcode (If you have any)
- Tap on agree to terms and conditions.
- Make sure that your Apple Watch is charged minimum 50 percent and connect it to magnetic charger.
- Tap on install on your iPhone and your Apple Watch.
- The Watch OS update will download and transfer to your Apple Watch and Apple Watch will reboot to apply the update.
- Even you can follow the progress on the Apple Watch screen, and once it’s done your Apple Watch is all set with its latest update.
- For better understand just follow the given screen shot of this following process to update your Apple Watch.